Can I share my 8fit account with my friend/partner?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to share an 8fit account with another person. The calories on your meal plan are calculated according to your goal, gender, age, weight, height and physical activity level. This means that the quantities in each recipe are always adapted to you, not to everybody.
Does 8fit offer joint subscription deals for couples or families at a reduced rate?
We do not offer joint subscription deals or reduced rates for couples and families who buy for more than one user. It is not recommended to share the same PRO account with different users as the goals, workouts and meal recommendations are all unique to one user only.
Is the Apple Family Sharing available for 8fit?
We’re glad to hear that you and your family would like to embark on a healthier lifestyle, unfortunately, the Apple Family Sharing option is not available for In-App purchases like the 8fit Pro subscription.
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