During the menstrual phase (days 1 to 5), when we lose blood, we suffer from muscle fatigue and it’s recommended to train for less time but more intensely. For example, you can do a HIIT session from your 8fit programme.
In the post-menstrual phase (days 5 to 14) the oestrogen level increases and we, therefore, have more energy. During this period, we can do more strength training and train for longer, for example, two 8fit sessions in a day, or one 8fit session and a thirty-minute run.
During the pre-menstrual phase (from day 15 until we start our period again) we have a higher body mass and our body temperature increases. During this period, we need to do less strength training and more long and moderately intense workouts, like cardio or muscle resistance. Moreover, it’s important to eat less fruit and fast-digestion sugars to avoid storing fat.
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